What we do.
Annual Calendar
Each year we invite local photographers to capture the beauty of our surroundings in the Kirriemuir area and run an open competition for amateur photographers. The most popular images are selected by the public during and exhibition of entries. A panel of judges then decides the overall balance of the new calendar which makes a wonderful gift with many copies finding their way all around the world.
Fair Trade
Kirriemuir has been a Fairtrade Town since 2014. Available through our church office, we have a good selection of Traidcraft products for sale including tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, cookies, baking ingredients, gifts and socks. We also stock the ‘Clean & Fair’ range of cleaning materials including laundry liquid, washing up liquid and soap. You can read more about the Fairtrade Foundation Here.
Thrums Tots
Thrums Tots takes place in the Church hall on Wednesday Mornings from 10.00 am to 11.30 am and Thursday afternoons from 1 pm to 2.30 pm during the school term. For preschool age children and their carers, parents or grandparents, this is a drop in group, so just come along and join the group when you can. We have a play leader in charge and enjoy crafts, music, toys and a healthy snack. Further details on ‘Thrums Tots Kirriemuir’ Facebook group or from the Church Office.
The Guild
The Guild at GKUPC has around 50 members, men and women, who meet fortnightly in the Church Hall. Meetings typically include devotions led by members, followed by a speaker and tea. Special occasions such as Guild Week, Christmas and an annual Songs of Praise are celebrated, often with home baking or even a caterer !
Charities We Support
Through the work of the church we support a number of charities some of which are: Poppy Scotland, Angus Food Bank, World Mission Stamp Appeal, Blythswood Shoebox Appeal, Jars of Change – Water Aid, Smalls for All, Mission International – Chip Shop Babies and Save the Children
House Groups
Within the West Angus Area Ministry there are ample opportunities to join a Housegroup, Prayer Groups and Study Groups which are enjoyed by a wide range of members across the various churches which comprise The WAAM. If you are interested in finding out more, please enquire at the Church Office
Group Activities Notice
Due to recent relaxations in Government Advice Covid-19 restrictions, some of our church groups are beginning to restart. These include The Guild and Thrums Tots however others such as Lunch Club, Carpet Bowls and Movie Nights are still to be announced.
More information will follow as we hopefully return to regular meeting activities.